- Accounts Officer
Educational Qualification:
- Should possess minimum two years’ relevant experience after obtaining minimum qualification in the field of finance/Accounts/Commerce in a limited company / Central/State/Public sector undertaking with a turnover of more than 100 Crores.
- Experience of power sector companies shall be preferred.
- Experience as on date of publication of advertisement shall be counted. (The articleship period will not be counted as experience.)
- Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Age Limit:
- For Unreserved Category (UR): 36 years
- For Others: 41 Years
Application Fees:
- For UR, SEBC & EWS candidates: Rs.500/-
- For SC & ST candidates: Rs.250/-
Selection Process:
- Candidates will be selected based on two stages as under:
- Stage – 1: Exam will be consisting of 85 marks. The weightage of exam would be 85%
- Stage – 2: Personal Interview, the weightage would be 15%. (Number of candidates will be in 1: 5 Vacancies.)
How to Apply ?:
- The candidate shall take utmost care to ensure accuracy and precision while filing on-line application and GETCO will not be responsible if he/she provide incorrect information in the application.
Before starting online registration process, the candidate shall keep ready followingAdvertisement- Valid Email address
- Valid & Active Mobile Number
- Scanned copy of Latest Passport size photograph (Size 500 KB)
- Scanned Signature (Size 500 KB)
- Basic Graduation details
- CA/ ICWA Details
- Experience Details
- Payment Details
- After successful registration, in all future correspondence with GETCO, Registration No & Name of the post shall be written.
- Candidates can edit/ update the application form up to last date mentioned in advertisement for Registration or before payment made (whichever is earlier).
- Candidates are requested to visit the website regularly for updates.
- For any kind of queries regarding recruitment please write to mail id
- Further Correspondence/communication will be done on updated email/mobile number only. No further dispute will be entertained.